Frederic Chopin’s birthday. According to birth records, Frédéric Chopin was born on February 22, but Chopin considered March 1 his birthday. Whatever the day, the year was 1810, making this year the 212th anniversary of his birth.
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha had a great pleasure to see the Frederic Chopin salon. It is here where Chopin is said to have composed his last work, Mazurka in G Minor, and where he died on October 17, 1849.
Thank you Chaumet Representatives for a beautiful historic tour in Maison Chaumet in Place Vendôme – the center of the mythical Paris square.
The history of Chaumet has been entwined with the history of France ever since its founding in 1780, in Paris. Indeed, the Maison very quickly became the official jeweler to Empress Josephine.The High Jewellery savoir-faire of the Maison has been passed down through generations of jewelers for almost 240 years.
The mansion at 12 Place Vendôme was designed by Jules Hardouin-Mansart, a great French architect who at the same time was designing the Palace of Versailles. Some of its salons were once home to Frederic Chopin and Joséphine, the future wife of Napoleon, and are now classified as historical monuments.