Humanitarian visit to Egypt

Humanitarian visit to Egypt Exactly a year ago… Another humanitarian visit to Egypt. Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person. I’m deeply thankful to all the wonderful humanitarians I met on my path, especially in Egypt. Giving your time, love, and attention to the children […]

Human Rights Day – Demining Action

Human Rights Day – Demining Action Today is the Human Rights Day. The presence and legacy of landmines is a human rights issue. Today, in many places in the world landmines still claim the lives of innocent people. It has been a long time since we, humanitarians around the globe – have been intensively supporting […]

P​rincess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the highest distinction from the The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem

P​rincess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the highest distinction from the Order of Saint Lazarus  ​On November 24, 2024, P​rincess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the highest distinction from the The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem from His Serene Highness Prince Andrew Tiberius Adam Rhédey The Royal House of Aba, the Royal House of Árpád. The Military […]

Wiktoria Award Gala with humanitarian purpose​

Wiktoria Award Gala with humanitarian purpose ​October 19, 2024, A​ngelika Jarosławska Sapieha was a guest of honor at the prestigious Wiktoria Award Gala. In recent years,​ she has been honored to be awarded the Victoria statuette for humanitarian and social activities, supporting the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  But above all, ​s​he was glad t​o auction the painting of a […]

Peace Education​

Peace Education Peace EducationDuring the International Day of Peace, Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha took a group of students to places in Warsaw that suffered during World War II. Among them there was the tomb of the unknown soldier, at the place, which was once the Saxon Palace, which will be rebuilt in the future. They laid […]

International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live from Poland

International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live from Poland International Day of PeaceEvery year, the United Nations marks the International Day of Peace on 21 September.It was such an honor to be a part of Peace One Day Live, not only by being a speaker but also by creating broadcasting from Poland!Thank you […]

Międzynarodowy Dzień Pokoju

Międzynarodowy Dzień Pokojuędzynarodowy Dzień Pokoju  ​W Światowy Dzień Pokoju ONZ ​w ramach Peace One Day Live ​A​ngelika Jarosławska Sapieha byłagospodarzem trzydziestominutowej relacji z Warszawy, z Polski​.​Była to niezwykła szansa, aby oprócz ważnych spraw humanitarnych, przedstawić światu historię Powstania Warszawskiego i Powstańców Warszawskich. Pan Juliusz Kulesza, ps. Julek, żołnierz Armii Krajowej i uczestnik Powstania Warszawskiego przyjął zaproszenie i wystąpił […]