Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha's photo session at the legendary Film School in Lodz
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s photo session at the legendary Film School in Lodz.
The Lodz Film School, one of the oldest film schools in the world, is a now legendary university that has educated many outstanding filmmakers over the decades of its operation: directors, cinematographers, animators, photographers, screenwriters, editors, film and television production managers ,and actors. Several of them can boast the most important award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is the Oscar: in 1983 it was won by Zbigniew Rybczyński for the film “Tango”, made at Studio Małych Form Filmowych “Se-Ma-For” in Lodz [“Se-Ma-For” animation Studio]; in 2000 it was awarded to Andrzej Wajda for lifetime achievement, while in 2003 the Oscar was awarded to Roman Polański for the film “The Pianist” (Polish title: “Pianista”) in the category “best director”.
We should not forget the entire list of filmmakers associated with the Film School who received nominations for the golden statuette.
In 2014, Łódź was ranked second in a global league table of film schools compiled by The Hollywood Reporter.
In 2019, US entertainment magazine Variety named the Łódź Film School among the world’s best film schools.
The magazine wrote at the time that the Łódź Film School “has been one of the best-respected institutions in all of Europe” for more than 70 years, with students receiving “a full-bodied education covering film, photography, acting and television.”