It’s December 26, 2019. Even today, in many places in the world landmines still claim the lives of innocent people. The world is too little aware of the suffering of the landmines victims, killed or maimed by these barbaric weapons, sitting on the ground sometimes from 40 years or more, before they will explode under the child’s feet.Millions of landmines around the world have been cleared, but there is still a long way to go.Please, support mine clearance organizations and work of brave people, who devoted their lives to mine clearance operations.The problem of anti-personnel landmines is a fundamentally humanitarian problem. These weapons of war kill in peacetime. They are devices designed to explode in proximity or on contact with a human being.Destined for soldiers, they kill and wound innocent people; women and children. Landmine does not distinguish between a soldier’s foot and a child’s foot.„I wish that the next generation, due to our efforts and moral education will be the first, who will absolutely not accept the concept of landmines. I wish all the countries, especially world key players would sign the Mine Ban Treaty. That would make a big difference. It’s very upsetting and very disturbing that not everybody has signed this treaty to ban landmines.That should be one of our generation’s biggest challenges. We should be the last generation to suffer the effects of the „underground devil” and create a safe world for the next generations!”– Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha