#LANDMINEFREEWORLDCambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them.Despite the significant work of many brave and dedicated people of goodwill, demining teams, there is still a lot of work to be done.Millions of the landmines have now been cleared, but there is still a long way to go.Landmines are killing, injuring and orphaning children.We need support from the international community. Your support.Remember that now, Coronavirus is devastating the tourist industry. Now online support is more important than ever.In Cambodia, the mines were spread throughout the country over several decades, the result of constant warring between the Khmer Rouge and its opposing factions.The Landmine Relief Fund (LMRF) is a U.S.-based charity that supports the work of Cambodian NGOs. It was established by Bill Morse in 2003 to support the mine-clearing work of Cambodian Self-Help Demining (CSHD), a Cambodian NGO founded by an ex-child soldier and CNN hero Aki Ra.Please, support:http://www.cambodialandminemuseum.org/
http://www.cambodianselfhelpdemining.orgThe lack of tourism has made it impossible to keep the Landmine Museum’s doors open, and the stream of revenue that was comfortably funding its operations, as well as demining and EOD operations across Cambodia, no longer exists. The work that the Landmine Museum, Aki Ra, and Cambodia Self-Help Demining (CSHD) accomplishes has benefited tens of thousands of people for the past 25 years in Cambodia.Here you can help:https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-the-iconic-cambodian-landmine-museum?utm_campaign=p_cf%20share-flow-1&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&fbclid=IwAR3S1yqHoo6niPlOFPWINO32P-3JsRK6sdJkWfd0MMAno4MRQ4axra-hhUw