Un Gala exceptionnel dans un Château à l’occasion du bicentenaire de Napoléon !

Envie de vivre la vie de Château ? Samedi 25 septembre dès 19h, vous voici conviés à un Gala de rêve, organisé à l’occasion du bicentenaire de Napoléon. Au coeur du fastueux Domaine Château Ermenonville, profitez d’un dîner, d’un bal, de spectacles et expositions d’exception. Enfilez votre plus bel habit de lumière et venez vivre un […]
Landmines are killing, injuring and orphaning children!
#LANDMINEFREEWORLDCambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them.Despite the significant work of many brave and dedicated people of goodwill, demining teams, there is sti…
Landmines are killing, injuring and orphaning children. We need support from the international community. Your support.
#LANDMINEFREEWORLDCambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them.Despite the significant work of many brave and dedicated people of goodwill, demining teams, there is still a lot of work to be done.Millions of the landmines have now been cleared, but there […]
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Thursday Conversations: Passion for Aviation
HSH Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was one of the panelists at the Royal Panel during the Trilateral Global Summit in London

HSH Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was one of the panelists at the Royal Panel during the Trilateral Global Summit in London. During the Royal Panel, important actions connected with the UN SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions were discussed.
60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess. Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines. Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine removal expert.
Today is the 60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess.Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines.Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, an…
60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess. Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines. Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine removal expert.
Today is the 60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess.Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines.Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine […]
World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) conferred the *Global Humanitarian Award* to HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jaroslawska Sapieha, International Peace Ambassador for her contributions as an leader in serving global communities in need and putting humanity first.
World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) conferred the *Global Humanitarian Award* to HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jaroslawska Sapieha, International Peace Ambassador for her contributions as an leader in serving global communities in need and putting humanity first.The global leaders and dignified royalties of world gave him the award during the Second edition of the ‘Trilateral Global Summit […]
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha has honor and privilege to be the Head of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women Board.Our representatives each year participate in the Session of the Commission of the United Nations on the Status of Women.