One Mine One Life Worldwide Movement for Mine-Free World
Over 60 million people across the globe woke up today in fear of being injured or killed by landmines. Children account for 54 percent of all civilian casualties! It must stop. Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha, as a patron of several demining organizations and an initiator of the One Mine One Life Campaign, […]
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha had visited the Frederic Chopin salon in Maison Chaumet in Place Vendôme
Frederic Chopin’s birthday. According to birth records, Frédéric Chopin was born on February 22, but Chopin considered March 1 his birthday. Whatever the day, the year was 1810, making this year the 212th anniversary of his birth. Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha had a great pleasure to see the Frederic Chopin salon. It is here where Chopin is […]
Landmine Free Needs to Become a Reality
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received special award as a leader in the global anti-landmine campaign [VIDEO]
Interview with Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha about global anti-landmine campaign and receiving a special award for her humanitarian work
Grand Ball in France for the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” under the honorary patronage of Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha
Grand Ball at the Chateau d’Ermenonville for the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” under the honorary patronage of Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha Link:,41,40903,0.html?fbclid=IwAR2JUvefhhcHtAQcLlA5_i4dNaeTbSty7uGR3cnFM6MAb2LqhwSOo5K99Fw
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball. On Saturday evening, September 25, at the beautiful Chateau d’Ermenonville in France, during the grand ball, the premiere of an exclusive collection of the Royal Militare, inspired by the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” […]
Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha
Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha.Une collection exclusive de la marque Royal Militare spécialement pour le 200e annivers…
Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha

Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha. Une collection exclusive de la marque Royal Militare spécialement pour le 200e anniversaire de la mort de Napoléon Bonaparte – un visionnaire, chef, commandant charismatique, la preuve qu’un homme peut changer le cours de l’histoire. La France […]
Un Gala exceptionnel dans un Château à l’occasion du bicentenaire de Napoléon !

Envie de vivre la vie de Château ? Samedi 25 septembre dès 19h, vous voici conviés à un Gala de rêve, organisé à l’occasion du bicentenaire de Napoléon. Au coeur du fastueux Domaine Château Ermenonville, profitez d’un dîner, d’un bal, de spectacles et expositions d’exception. Enfilez votre plus bel habit de lumière et venez vivre un […]