Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video]

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video] Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The war that started in the east of Ukraine in 2014 by the Russian aggression has now reached its 10-year mark, inflicting immeasurable suffering, causing numerous deaths and massive destruction, […]

The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow

The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Tomorrow we will celebrate the International Day of Education, which definitely can support a more peaceful world.This year’s International Day of Education theme is “Learning for Lasting Peace”Education is a human right, a public good […]

It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo

It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo. Stowarzyszenie Mali Bracia Ubogich in their email reminded me, that today is International Volunteers Day. This year’s theme – “If Everyone Did…” centers on ‘everyone’ and focuses on collective action to work towards Sustainable Development Goals. I […]

The film summarizing the Bal 200, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte – under the high patronage HSH Highness Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha

The film summarizing the Bal 200, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte – under the high patronage HSH Highness Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha During this prestigious evening, many festivities were in the spotlight. On the Gala program: a refined dinner prepared by the Chefs of the Estate, ballroom dancing, an equestrian presentation, […]

Eliza Orzeszkowa, „Nad Niemnem”. Narodowe czytanie…

Eliza Orzeszkowa, „Nad Niemnem” Eliza Orzeszkowa, „Nad Niemnem”. Narodowe czytanie… niech będzie dzisiaj, jutro i każdego dnia. W tym roku obchodzimy 160. rocznicę wybuchu Powstania Styczniowego. Powstanie Styczniowe było najdłużej trwającym zrywem niepodległościowym w epoce porozbiorowej. Ukształtowało przyszłą postawę patriotyczną Polaków, dało wiarę w niepodległość i siłę, aby wytrwale zabiegać o wolność. W dniu […]

Rest in Peace 🕯 Egypt-born Mohamed al-Fayed dies at 94

Rest in Peace 🕯 Egypt-born Mohamed al-Fayed dies at 94 Rest in Peace 🕯Egypt-born Mohamed al-Fayed dies at 94.Mohamed Al-Fayed was a philanthropist, whose foundation helped children in the UK, Thailand, and Mongolia. He supported charities in the UK and Egypt.I had the pleasure of meeting him and having a few very inspiring conversations. He […]

1 September is celebrated as No 303 Polish Fighter Squadron Day – the legendary RAF Squadron, which became the most successful Fighter Command unit in the Battle of Britain

1 September is celebrated as No 303 Polish Fighter Squadron Day – the legendary RAF Squadron, which became the most successful Fighter Command unit in the Battle of Britain 1 September is celebrated as No 303 Polish Fighter Squadron Day – the legendary RAF Squadron, which became the most successful Fighter Command unit in the […]