Humanitarian visit to Egypt

Humanitarian visit to Egypt Exactly a year ago… Another humanitarian visit to Egypt. Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person. I’m deeply thankful to all the wonderful humanitarians I met on my path, especially in Egypt. Giving your time, love, and attention to the children […]
Education Live 24 by Peace One Day for the International Day of Education

Education Live 24 by Peace One Day for the International Day of Education Education is the key to establishing lasting peace. It is our responsibility to ensure that education is accessible to everyone, as it is a fundamental human right. By acknowledging the role of education in promoting peace and development, we can work towards […]
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Honorary Decoration of Citizen of Ukraine for her long-standing humanitarian assistance

Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Honorary Decoration of Citizen of Ukraine for her long-standing humanitarian assistance
The delegation of Ukrainian women to UN with Princess Angelika appealed to the world in UN
The delegation of Ukrainian women to UN with Princess Angelika appealed to the world in UN The independent delegation of Ukrainian women leaders to the United Nations together with Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the General Assembly gathering and CSW Forum and appealed at the United Nations to the global audience for peace in Ukraine […]
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video]

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video] Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The war that started in the east of Ukraine in 2014 by the Russian aggression has now reached its 10-year mark, inflicting immeasurable suffering, causing numerous deaths and massive destruction, […]
Siostry w Biznesie przełamały TABU

Siostry w Biznesie przełamały TABU Depresja w biznesie to temat TABU, ale nie dla Sióstr w Biznesie założonych przez Marię Brzozak i Paulinę Wronecką – społeczności prawie 30-tu przedsiębiorczych kobiet. Udowodniły to, organizując drugą edycję Balu Charytatywnego. Panie pokazały, jak ważne jest wspieranie osób, które stanęły do nierównej walki z depresją. Tym samym rok […]
Support for the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world

Support for the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, also known as 57357 Hospital with 320 beds, the building is the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world, with small heroes – children and patients from all over the world. Inspired by the model of […]
The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow

The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Tomorrow we will celebrate the International Day of Education, which definitely can support a more peaceful world.This year’s International Day of Education theme is “Learning for Lasting Peace”Education is a human right, a public good […]
It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo

It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo. Stowarzyszenie Mali Bracia Ubogich in their email reminded me, that today is International Volunteers Day. This year’s theme – “If Everyone Did…” centers on ‘everyone’ and focuses on collective action to work towards Sustainable Development Goals. I […]
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has developed a Project In Bucharest organized by Ukrainian women who are members of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women in broad partnership with other organisations from Romania. The Hub was visited […]