Humanitarian actions

Humanitarian visit to Egypt
Humanitarian visit to Egypt Exactly a year ago… Another humanitarian visit to Egypt. Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change

Education Live 24 by Peace One Day for the International Day of Education
Education Live 24 by Peace One Day for the International Day of Education Education is the key to establishing lasting peace. It is our responsibility

Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Honorary Decoration of Citizen of Ukraine for her long-standing humanitarian assistance
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Honorary Decoration of Citizen of Ukraine for her long-standing humanitarian assistance
The delegation of Ukrainian women to UN with Princess Angelika appealed to the world in UN
The delegation of Ukrainian women to UN with Princess Angelika appealed to the world in UN The independent delegation of Ukrainian women leaders to the

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video]
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video] Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit

Siostry w Biznesie przełamały TABU
Siostry w Biznesie przełamały TABU Depresja w biznesie to temat TABU, ale nie dla Sióstr w Biznesie założonych przez Marię Brzozak i Paulinę Wronecką –

Support for the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world
Support for the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, also known as 57357 Hospital with

The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow
The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Tomorrow we will celebrate the

It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo
It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo. Stowarzyszenie Mali Bracia Ubogich in their email

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has

Today, October 24, is United Nations Day.
Today, October 24, is United Nations Day Greetings from Egypt, where I’m due to my humanitarian activities. On October 24, 1945, the United Nations was

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha Called for Peace and a Landmine Ban on the International Day of Peace
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha Called for Peace and a Landmine Ban on the International Day of Peace The internationally recognized figure, global Peace Ambassador

International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live – Interview with Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha and her broadcasting from Poland
International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live – Interview with Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha and her broadcasting from Poland

Koncert i lekcja o pokoju z Ambasador Pokoju Angeliką Jarosławską Sapiehą w Zespole Szkół Nr 41
Koncert i lekcja o pokoju z Ambasador Pokoju Angeliką Jarosławską Sapiehą w Zespole Szkół Nr 41

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in the interview after the Peace One Day Live and International Day of Peace
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in the interview after the Peace One Day Live and International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace – Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Humanitarian Path
International Day of Peace – Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Humanitarian Path Day of Peace Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Humanitarian Path. Each year the International Day

Peace One Day Live
Peace One Day Live Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is honored to be a guest of the Peace One Day Live on the International Day of

It has been 26 years since Diana, Princess of Wales died in Paris
It has been 26 years since Diana, Princess of Wales died in Paris It has been 26 years since Diana, Princess of Wales died in

Exactly a year ago at that time together with very talented young people from all over the world
Exactly a year ago at that time together with very talented young people from all over the world Exactly a year ago at that time

Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to receive a letter of appreciation from the Ukrainian Journalists Association for her long term humanitarian support for Ukraine.
Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to receive a letter of appreciation from the Ukrainian Journalists Association for her long term humanitarian support

Ukrainian Journalist Day
Ukrainian Journalist Day On June 6th we observe the Ukrainian Journalist Day.

Last week in London
Celebration of the coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation about Calcutta & work of Mother Teresa with Director R.J. Dawid, Cathedral Relief Centre
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation about Calcutta & work of Mother Teresa with Director R.J. Dawid, Cathedral Relief Centre

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the Cannes Film Festival
As a humanitarian, philanthropist and producer of upcoming films, which are also related to important social and humanitarian issues, she participated in the Cannes Film Festival premieres.

One Mine One Life partner in mine risk education
Svitlana Salamatova finished the training for Ukrainian teachers in Romania on mine danger.

Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha calling for action to support Ukrainians and build peace
Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha calling for action to support Ukrainians and build peace

“Taking care of children has nothing to do with politics. I think perhaps with time, instead of there being a politicisation of humanitarian aid, there will be a humanisation of politics.”
Audrey Hepburn is one of the very special women who have inspired me for years due to her humanitarian work.

Kocham Cię Polsko… O II wojnie światowej, zesłaniu na Sybir i życiu w komunistycznej Polsce opowiada Pani Irena Sidor
Pierwszy w życiu wywiad w wieku 93 lat. Warszawa, Mokotów, listopad 2020 roku…

Today the Ukrainian President is visiting Warsaw in Poland
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has crossed the border into Poland for his first formal visit since Russia’s invasion started in February 2022.

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action – one of our generation’s biggest challenges is landmines still killing children around the globe
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Osiągnięcie równości płci zajmie 300 lat! Głos kobiet w trakcie 67. sesji Komisji ONZ ds. Statusu Kobiet
Księżna Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha wraz z delegacją Ukraińskich kobiet do ONZ w siedzibie ONZ w Nowym Jorku

“A Princess with a cause” – American Pioneer
Interview conduct by American Pioneer magazine with Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s official summary of the CSW Forum
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s official summary of the CSW Forum, a week at the United Nations, the war in Ukraine, and humanitarian assistance.

#unitednations Very productive days at the General Assembly and during the CSW Forum
#unitednations Very productive days at the General Assembly and during the CSW Forum

Wywiad o ostatnich działaniach charytatywnych i humanitarnych
Księżna z Misją – Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha o ostatnich działaniach charytatywnych i humanitarnych

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has

Thank you, Dear Forbes, for your great dedication and support for Ukraine
Thank you, Dear Forbes, for your great dedication and support for Ukraine.

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit. Parallel Event at NGO CSW67 Forum assisting UN Commission on The Status Of Women in New York
Institute of Cultural Affairs International together with the One Mine One Life global movement and campaign against a Mine-Free World are honored to convey the invitation for the Parallel Event “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” during the NGO CSW67 Forum in New York on March 7 at 2.30 PM EST in CCUN United Nations.

80. rocznica męczeńskiej śmierci Błogosławionego ks. Zygmunta Pisarskiego.
80. rocznica męczeńskiej śmierci Błogosławionego ks. Zygmunta Pisarskiego.

Today it’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Today it’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day „Today it’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I had the great honor to meet several times Auschwitz survivors and every time

The last days I spend in Calcutta in the Missionaries of Charity, the Mother Teresa foundation, orphanages, old people’s homes, nursing homes, single mother hostels, hospices, and with women – victims of trafficking.
The last days I spend in Calcutta in the Missionaries of Charity, the Mother Teresa foundation, orphanages, old people’s homes, nursing homes, single mother hostels,

One Mine One Life Campaign & Movement on COP27 In Egypt
One Mine One Life Campaign & Movement on COP27 In Egypt #nomorelandmines #minefreeworld

At this moment in many places around the globe landmines are maiming and killing children!
At this moment in many places around the globe landmines are maiming and killing children! Inhumane, indiscriminate weapons – landmines continue to cause the suffering

On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine
On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian

#everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth #everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth „Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It was also the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week

Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the “Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the “Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball On Saturday evening,

Children for Children. International campaign and art contest for children “Children are painting Peace on Earth”
In March a special gala “Polish Businesswoman Awards” took place. At the Gala there was a special auction for children from Ukraine, organized by SOS Wioski Dziecięce. Paintings created by Ukrainian children for the contest “Children Painting Peace” in 2021 were given for an auction.