
United Nations: International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust
United Nations: International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust United Nations: International Day of Commemoration in memory of the

Humanitarian visit to Egypt
Humanitarian visit to Egypt Exactly a year ago… Another humanitarian visit to Egypt. Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change

Human Rights Day – Demining Action
Human Rights Day – Demining Action Today is the Human Rights Day. The presence and legacy of landmines is a human rights issue. Today, in

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the highest distinction from the The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the highest distinction from the Order of Saint Lazarus On November 24, 2024, Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the highest distinction
October 22 marks the 213th birthday of the pianist and composer Franz Liszt, one of the most prominent musical figures in 19th-century Europe
October 22 marks the 213th birthday of the pianist and composer Franz Liszt, one of the most prominent musical figures in 19th-century Europe October 22

Wiktoria Award Gala with humanitarian purpose
Wiktoria Award Gala with humanitarian purpose October 19, 2024, Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was a guest of honor at the prestigious Wiktoria Award Gala. In recent years, she has been

175 years ago, on October 17, 1849, Fryderyk Chopin, one of the most outstanding composers and pianists of the Romanticism era, died in Paris
175 years ago, on October 17, 1849, Fryderyk Chopin, one of the most outstanding composers and pianists of the Romanticism era, died in Paris “175

Peace Education
Peace Education Peace EducationDuring the International Day of Peace, Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha took a group of students to places in Warsaw that suffered during World

International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live from Poland
International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live from Poland International Day of PeaceEvery year, the United Nations marks the International Day of Peace

Międzynarodowy Dzień Pokoju
Międzynarodowy Dzień Pokojuędzynarodowy Dzień Pokoju W Światowy Dzień Pokoju ONZ w ramach Peace One Day Live Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha byłagospodarzem trzydziestominutowej relacji z Warszawy, z Polski.Była

Wonderful Palais Garnier in Paris, known as the Phantom of the Opera Home
Wonderful Palais Garnier in Paris, known as the Phantom of the Opera Home Wonderful Palais Garnier in Paris, known as the Phantom of the Opera

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a special medal “Star of Cambodia” from the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) for the long-standing humanitarian advocacy and support for Cambodia and support for demining action in Cambodia
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a special medal “Star of Cambodia” from the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) for the long-standing humanitarian advocacy and

One Mine – One Life
One Mine – One Life ”One Mine – One Life” in Khmer. That remarkable bracelet is made from exploded bombs and unexploded ordnance cleared by

Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha – Peace and Polish Culture [Article]
Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha – Peace and Polish Culture [Article] Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha – Peace and Polish Culture

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech about Warsaw Uprising at the historic USS Intrepid in New York
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech about Warsaw Uprising at the historic USS Intrepid in New York day in New York …At the historic aircraft carrier

Princess Diana contribution to the global anti-landmine campaign
Princess Diana contribution to the global anti-landmine campaign This Monday was the anniversary of Princess Diana’s birthday.I wish to remind her words: „The world is

Wheelchair Fencing World Cup „Szabla Kilińskiego” – the world’s leading wheelchair fencers will be hosted in Warsaw
Wheelchair Fencing World Cup „Szabla Kilińskiego” – the world’s leading wheelchair fencers will be hosted in Warsaw From July 4 to July 9, 2024, the

Miss Polonia 2024
Miss Polonia 2024 – Gala, 95-lecie wyborów i działalność charytatywna Miss Wczoraj odbyła się uroczysta gala Miss Polonia. W tym roku obchodzimy 95-lecie wyborów. Polacy

Publication about Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s humanitarian action, history, and work at the Relentless Magazine
Publication about Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s humanitarian action, history, and work at the Relentless Magazine It is such a pleasure to see the glamorous Relentless Magazine

Hastings School in Calcutta
Hastings School in Calcutta Dear Friends,I would like to highly encourage you to learn more about the place, which is very close to my heart

Royal Ascot
Royal Ascot Dearest gentle reader,As it is said, there is no event in the social calendar quite as revered as Royal Ascot. After all, it’s

“Of stone, art and roses” – the Chaalis domain
“Of stone, art and roses” – the Chaalis domain “Of stone, art and roses” The Chaalis domain is located about 40km to the north of

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s photo session at the legendary Film School in Lodz
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s photo session at the legendary Film School in Lodz Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s photo session at the legendary Film School in

Peacekeepers Live by Peace One Day in London for the International Day of UN Peacekeepers
Peacekeepers Live – Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha about landmines, humanitarian work and missions around the globe Jarosławska Sapieha was deeply honored to be a part

International Day of UN Peacekeepers
International Day of UN Peacekeepers Day of UN Peacekeepers.UN peacekeeping is a vital investment in global peace and security.The day aims to celebrate the

Opening of a new branch of the Europe with Ukraine foundation, of which Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is the patron
Opening of a new branch of the Europe with Ukraine foundation, of which Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is the patron

Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, also known as 57357 – the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world
Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, also known as 57357 Hospital – the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, also known as

Cannes Film Festival
Cannes Film Festival On Tuesday, the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival began in the south of France with many thrilling premieres.We wish a

Magical Ball at the Hofburg, Vienna’s Imperial Palace
Ball at the Hofburg, Vienna’s Imperial Palace Magical Ball at the Hofburg, Vienna’s Imperial Palace.Hofburg Palace has been the heart of power in Vienna since

The final of the competition for children “Portraits of Mother” in London, under the high patronage of HRH Duke of Kent
The final of the competition for children “Portraits of Mother” in London, under the high patronage of HRH Duke of Kent The final of the

The Edinburgh Reporter: Planting Roots of Peace at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
The Edinburgh Reporter: Planting Roots of Peace at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Education Live 24 by Peace One Day for the International Day of Education
Education Live 24 by Peace One Day for the International Day of Education Education is the key to establishing lasting peace. It is our responsibility

Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Honorary Decoration of Citizen of Ukraine for her long-standing humanitarian assistance
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Honorary Decoration of Citizen of Ukraine for her long-standing humanitarian assistance

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha as an patron of the foundation Europe-Ukraine about the humanitarian assistance for Ukraine
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha as an patron of the foundation Europe-Ukraine about the humanitarian assistance for Ukraine Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is honoured to be
Parallel event: “Ukraine: Strengthening the role of women in reconstruction and peace-making processes in countries with military conflicts” during the CSW68 Forum assisting the Commission of the Status of Women in the United Nations.
Parallel event: “Ukraine: Strengthening the role of women in reconstruction and peace-making processes in countries with military conflicts” during the CSW68 Forum assisting the Commission

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha co organized and was a patron of the parallel event: “Ukraine: Strengthening the role of women in reconstruction and peace-making processes in countries with military conflicts” during the CSW68 Forum assisting the Commission of the Status of Women in the United Nations.
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha co organized and was a patron of the parallel event: “Ukraine: Strengthening the role of women in reconstruction and peace-making processes


Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received from Caritas a letter of thanks for her long-term support
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received from Caritas a letter of thanks for her long-term support Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received from Caritas a letter of thanks for
The delegation of Ukrainian women to UN with Princess Angelika appealed to the world in UN
The delegation of Ukrainian women to UN with Princess Angelika appealed to the world in UN The independent delegation of Ukrainian women leaders to the

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video]
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit [Video] Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit

Siostry w Biznesie przełamały TABU
Siostry w Biznesie przełamały TABU Depresja w biznesie to temat TABU, ale nie dla Sióstr w Biznesie założonych przez Marię Brzozak i Paulinę Wronecką –

Cały świat gra z WOŚP, przepięknym humanitarnym, polskim fenomenem na skalę świata
Cały świat gra z WOŚP, przepięknym humanitarnym, polskim fenomenem na skalę świata Cały świat gra z WOŚP, przepięknym humanitarnym, polskim fenomenem na skalę świata W

Support for the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world
Support for the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, also known as 57357 Hospital with

32. Finał Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy – Licytacja popiersia Roberta Lewandowskiego
32. Finał Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy – Licytacja popiersia Roberta Lewandowskiego

Statement from Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha for Education Live 24 January 2024
Statement from Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha for Education Live 24 January 2024 Watch Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha statement for Education Live 24 January 2024 The young people

The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow
The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Tomorrow we will celebrate the

5 rocznica śmierci śp. prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza w Gdańsku
5 rocznica śmierci śp. prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza w Gdańsku 5 rocznica śmierci śp. prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza w Gdańsku. Piękne, wzruszające wydarzenie w Gdańsku, wolnym mieście,

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended Vienna State Opera Ball
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended Vienna State Opera Ball Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended Vienna State Opera Ball.The crown jewel of the ball season took

It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo
It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo It’s an evening after a long day in Cairo. Stowarzyszenie Mali Bracia Ubogich in their email

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has

Today, October 24, is United Nations Day.
Today, October 24, is United Nations Day Greetings from Egypt, where I’m due to my humanitarian activities. On October 24, 1945, the United Nations was

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha Called for Peace and a Landmine Ban on the International Day of Peace
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha Called for Peace and a Landmine Ban on the International Day of Peace The internationally recognized figure, global Peace Ambassador

The film summarizing the Bal 200, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte – under the high patronage HSH Highness Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha
The film summarizing the Bal 200, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte – under the high patronage HSH Highness Princess Angelika Ewa

International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live – Interview with Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha and her broadcasting from Poland
International Day of Peace – Peace One Day Live – Interview with Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha and her broadcasting from Poland

Koncert i lekcja o pokoju z Ambasador Pokoju Angeliką Jarosławską Sapiehą w Zespole Szkół Nr 41
Koncert i lekcja o pokoju z Ambasador Pokoju Angeliką Jarosławską Sapiehą w Zespole Szkół Nr 41

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in the interview after the Peace One Day Live and International Day of Peace
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in the interview after the Peace One Day Live and International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace – Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Humanitarian Path
International Day of Peace – Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Humanitarian Path Day of Peace Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Humanitarian Path. Each year the International Day

Peace One Day Live
Peace One Day Live Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is honored to be a guest of the Peace One Day Live on the International Day of

My heartfelt congratulations to all the participants of the Invictus Games!
On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine My heartfelt congratulations to all the participants of the Invictus Games!All

Eliza Orzeszkowa, „Nad Niemnem”. Narodowe czytanie…
Eliza Orzeszkowa, „Nad Niemnem” Eliza Orzeszkowa, „Nad Niemnem”. Narodowe czytanie… niech będzie dzisiaj, jutro i każdego dnia. W tym roku obchodzimy 160. rocznicę wybuchu

The Invictus Games will be held in Germany for the first time in 2023, on September 9-16
The Invictus Games will be held in Germany for the first time in 2023, on September 9-16 The Invictus Games will be held in Germany

Rest in Peace 🕯 Egypt-born Mohamed al-Fayed dies at 94
Rest in Peace 🕯 Egypt-born Mohamed al-Fayed dies at 94 Rest in Peace 🕯Egypt-born Mohamed al-Fayed dies at 94.Mohamed Al-Fayed was a philanthropist, whose foundation

1 September is celebrated as No 303 Polish Fighter Squadron Day – the legendary RAF Squadron, which became the most successful Fighter Command unit in the Battle of Britain
1 September is celebrated as No 303 Polish Fighter Squadron Day – the legendary RAF Squadron, which became the most successful Fighter Command unit in

It has been 26 years since Diana, Princess of Wales died in Paris
It has been 26 years since Diana, Princess of Wales died in Paris It has been 26 years since Diana, Princess of Wales died in

What is life like in the mysterious Shaolin Monastery in China?
What is life like in the mysterious Shaolin Monastery in China? What is life like in the mysterious Shaolin Monastery in China? What are

Speech about the Warsaw Uprising and Polish pilots fighting at the Battle of Britain at the historic USS Intrepid in New York
Speech about the Warsaw Uprising and Polish pilots fighting at the Battle of Britain at the historic USS Intrepid in New York. Speech about the

Do we have any Count Of Monte Christo, Le Comte de Monte-Cristo fans here?
Do we have any Count Of Monte Christo, Le Comte de Monte-Cristo fans here? Do we have any Count Of Monte Christo, Le Comte de

Napoléon Bonaparte, général français, révolutionnaire intransigeant et empereur extraordinaire est né le 15 août
Napoléon Bonaparte, général français, révolutionnaire intransigeant et empereur extraordinaire est né le 15 août #thisday Napoléon Bonaparte, général français, révolutionnaire intransigeant et empereur extraordinaire est

Exactly a year ago at that time together with very talented young people from all over the world
Exactly a year ago at that time together with very talented young people from all over the world Exactly a year ago at that time

Speech about the Warsaw Uprising and Polish pilots fighting at the Battle of Britain at the historic USS Intrepid in New York
Speech about the Warsaw Uprising and Polish pilots fighting at the Battle of Britain at the historic USS Intrepid in New York Speech about

Marvelous Princes Czartoryski Museum is a historic museum in Kraków, Poland, and one of the country’s oldest museums
Marvelous Princes Czartoryski Museum is a historic museum in Kraków, Poland, and one of the country’s oldest museums. Marvelous Princes Czartoryski Museum is a historic

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one the world’s largest

Special, marvelous fashion exhibition that is currently at Kensington Palace. It already goes down to history
Special, marvelous fashion exhibition that is currently at Kensington Palace. It already goes down to history Special, marvelous fashion exhibition that is currently at Kensington

Today I will show you the pictures from a very special, marvelous fashion exhibition that is currently at Kensington Palace
Today I will show you the pictures from a very special, marvelous fashion exhibition that is currently at Kensington Palace Today I will show

Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to receive a letter of appreciation from the Ukrainian Journalists Association for her long term humanitarian support for Ukraine.
Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to receive a letter of appreciation from the Ukrainian Journalists Association for her long term humanitarian support

One of my greatest love forever – aviation
One of my greatest love forever – aviation One of my greatest love forever – aviation 💙💙💙Dress: @royal_militare_official Here are some interesting facts about Palm

Some of the most famous horses and jockeys in the world of flat racing will be hoping for glory across the coming days as Royal Ascot gets underway
Some of the most famous horses and jockeys in the world of flat racing will be hoping for glory across the coming days as Royal

Tomorrow we will celebrate the birthday of HRH Prince of Wales, who was born on June 21
Today we celebrate the birthday of HRH Prince of Wales, who was born on June 21 Today we celebrate the birthday of HRH Prince of

Royal Ascot, the jewel in the crown of the UK racing calendar, starts today with the Queen Anne Stakes and will run until Saturday
Royal Ascot, the jewel in the crown of the UK racing calendar, starts today with the Queen Anne Stakes and will run until Saturday Royal

Ukrainian Journalist Day
Ukrainian Journalist Day On June 6th we observe the Ukrainian Journalist Day.

Last week in London
Celebration of the coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha Interview – Peacekeepers Live 2023 – International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha Interview | Peacekeepers Live 2023 Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to participate as a speaker in the

Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation about Calcutta & work of Mother Teresa with Director R.J. Dawid, Cathedral Relief Centre
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation about Calcutta & work of Mother Teresa with Director R.J. Dawid, Cathedral Relief Centre

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the Cannes Film Festival
As a humanitarian, philanthropist and producer of upcoming films, which are also related to important social and humanitarian issues, she participated in the Cannes Film Festival premieres.

Art for Peace and Awareness
Art for Peace and Awareness During my visit to Cannes and at the Cannes Film Festival, I was honored to be invited to the

Peace One Day is pleased to announce HRH Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha will be joining us for Peacekeepers Live 29 May 2023
Peace One Day is pleased to announce HRH Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha will be joining us for Peacekeepers Live 29 May 2023 Peace One Day

Imperial Palace Vienna – Hofburg Palace and the Kaiserappartements (Imperial apartments) used by Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth “Sissi”
Marvellous Hofburg Palace has been the heart of power in Vienna since 1279.

One Mine One Life partner in mine risk education
Svitlana Salamatova finished the training for Ukrainian teachers in Romania on mine danger.

Heartfelt congratulations to the King, the Queen, and the people of Great Britain and all the Commonwealth on the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camila
King Charles III was anointed and crowned on Saturday in Britain’s biggest ceremonial event for seven decades.

Cisza sztuki to najgłośniejszy krzyk
Rozmowa z utalentowanym i wielokrotnie nagradzanym fotografem Szymonem Kobusińskim o tym, dlaczego potrzebujemy sztuki w niespokojnych czasach.

The castle in Łańcut is one of the most beautiful aristocratic residences in Europe
Known for its splendid interiors, art, and unique collection of historic horse-drawn carriages (unique collection of more than 130 horse-driven vehicles and harnesses, some of them made for the Potocki family by Hermès).

The ceremonial inauguration of the edition of the international art competition “Children Paint Peace on Earth” at the High School of the Educational Society Vizja in Warsaw
The ceremonial inauguration of the edition of the international art competition “Children Paint Peace on Earth” at the High School of the Educational Society Vizja in Warsaw.

Interview at the Businesswoman&Life Magazine
We have the great pleasure to invite you to read the prestigious Businesswoman&Life magazine, which is available in every Empik and press shop in Poland.

Final of the Polish edition of the International art contest “Children Painting Peace on Earth”
Final of the Polish edition of the International art contest “Children Painting Peace on Earth”

On April 19th at noon I heard the sirens in Warsaw
I was at Warsaw’s Wola at that moment.
This was a symbolic form of homage to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha calling for action to support Ukrainians and build peace
Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha calling for action to support Ukrainians and build peace

“Taking care of children has nothing to do with politics. I think perhaps with time, instead of there being a politicisation of humanitarian aid, there will be a humanisation of politics.”
Audrey Hepburn is one of the very special women who have inspired me for years due to her humanitarian work.

Adventures fill your soul. Schönbrunn Palace & its beautiful gardens
Schönbrunn in Vienna has more than 500 years of imperial heritage, art, and natural beauty.

Wishing you an Easter filled with serenity, gratitude, peace, and love. Enjoy this Easter to its true spirit and make every blessing count. Happy Easter!
Wishing you an Easter filled with serenity, gratitude, peace, and love. Enjoy this Easter to its true spirit and make every blessing count. Happy Easter!

Kocham Cię Polsko… O II wojnie światowej, zesłaniu na Sybir i życiu w komunistycznej Polsce opowiada Pani Irena Sidor
Pierwszy w życiu wywiad w wieku 93 lat. Warszawa, Mokotów, listopad 2020 roku…

Today the Ukrainian President is visiting Warsaw in Poland
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has crossed the border into Poland for his first formal visit since Russia’s invasion started in February 2022.

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action – one of our generation’s biggest challenges is landmines still killing children around the globe
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Osiągnięcie równości płci zajmie 300 lat! Głos kobiet w trakcie 67. sesji Komisji ONZ ds. Statusu Kobiet
Księżna Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha wraz z delegacją Ukraińskich kobiet do ONZ w siedzibie ONZ w Nowym Jorku

“A Princess with a cause” – American Pioneer
Interview conduct by American Pioneer magazine with Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s official summary of the CSW Forum
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s official summary of the CSW Forum, a week at the United Nations, the war in Ukraine, and humanitarian assistance.

#unitednations Very productive days at the General Assembly and during the CSW Forum
#unitednations Very productive days at the General Assembly and during the CSW Forum

Wywiad o ostatnich działaniach charytatywnych i humanitarnych
Księżna z Misją – Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha o ostatnich działaniach charytatywnych i humanitarnych

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit
Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit The Educational Ukrainian Hub in Bucharest due to the war in Ukraine has

Thank you, Dear Forbes, for your great dedication and support for Ukraine
Thank you, Dear Forbes, for your great dedication and support for Ukraine.

Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit. Parallel Event at NGO CSW67 Forum assisting UN Commission on The Status Of Women in New York
Institute of Cultural Affairs International together with the One Mine One Life global movement and campaign against a Mine-Free World are honored to convey the invitation for the Parallel Event “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” during the NGO CSW67 Forum in New York on March 7 at 2.30 PM EST in CCUN United Nations.

The White Rose was a small endeavor with large consequences
The White Rose was a small endeavor with large consequences. We need world peaceLast week during the UN General Assembly the Assembly’s President said that

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball (Vienna Opera Ball) at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria – Gallery
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball (Vienna Opera Ball) at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball (Vienna Opera Ball) at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria – video
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball (Vienna Opera Ball) at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball (Vienna Opera Ball) at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball (Vienna Opera Ball) at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attend Wiener Opernball

80. rocznica męczeńskiej śmierci Błogosławionego ks. Zygmunta Pisarskiego.
80. rocznica męczeńskiej śmierci Błogosławionego ks. Zygmunta Pisarskiego.

Today it’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Today it’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day „Today it’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I had the great honor to meet several times Auschwitz survivors and every time

22 January marks the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising. This was the largest armed struggle for independence of the peoples of the former Commonwealth against Russian rule.
22 January marks the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising. This was the largest armed struggle for independence of the peoples of the former Commonwealth

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha – Interview in Poland
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha – Interview in Poland WNET, a leading public media station, recently conducted an exclusive interview with Princess Angelika Jaroslawska Sapieha, founder

I have the greatest respect and appreciation for handicraft products, and arts and crafts.
I have the greatest respect and appreciation for handicraft products, and arts and crafts. I have the greatest respect and appreciation for handicraft products, and

The last days I spend in Calcutta in the Missionaries of Charity, the Mother Teresa foundation, orphanages, old people’s homes, nursing homes, single mother hostels, hospices, and with women – victims of trafficking.
The last days I spend in Calcutta in the Missionaries of Charity, the Mother Teresa foundation, orphanages, old people’s homes, nursing homes, single mother hostels,

Talent, passion, passionate work, and persistence – Taige Wang, 12-year-old Prodigy
Talent, passion, passionate work, and persistence – Taige Wang, 12-year-old Prodigy„Talent, passion, passionate work, and persistence – Taige Wang, 12-year-old Prodigy Just recently as a

HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha and HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha and HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent This week in London I was privileged to have an inspiring conversation

One Mine One Life Campaign & Movement on COP27 In Egypt
One Mine One Life Campaign & Movement on COP27 In Egypt #nomorelandmines #minefreeworld

At this moment in many places around the globe landmines are maiming and killing children!
At this moment in many places around the globe landmines are maiming and killing children! Inhumane, indiscriminate weapons – landmines continue to cause the suffering

On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine
On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian

#everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth #everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth „Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It was also the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week

May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth rest in peace.
May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth rest in peace. The World has lost an incredible woman, a role model who inspired, inspire, and will inspire many

Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the “Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the “Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball On Saturday evening,

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech at the USS Intrepid In New York
Ceremony of the 2022 International History Olympiad at the historic USS Intrepid in New York. International History Olympiad the world’s most prestigious competition for middle

Thank you dear children and students for all the beautiful letters and pictures!
Thank you dear children and students for all the beautiful letters and pictures! Thank you dear children and students for all the beautiful letters and

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech in London after the death of HM Queen Elisabeth II
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech in London after the death of HM Queen Elisabeth II Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech in London after the death

It’s a great honor and privilege to attend the commemoration celebrations to pay tribute to Her Majesty the Queen.
It’s a great honor and privilege to attend the commemoration celebrations to pay tribute to Her Majesty the Queen. “It’s a great honor and privilege
May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth rest in peace.
The World has lost an incredible woman, a role model who inspired, inspire, and will inspire many generations.Her Majesty the Queen will remain in our

Children Painting Peace on Earth
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of a person.Human rights

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech about the One Mine One Life global campaign and movement for a mine-free world at Princeton for the most talented students – laureates of the International History Olympiad
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s speech about the One Mine One Life global campaign and movement for a mine-free world at Princeton for the most talented

Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha – Peace and Polish Culture, International History Olympiad
The students and staff of the International History Olympiad were excited and awed to welcome Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha of Poland, International Peace Ambassador,

Princess Angelika together with very talented young people from all over the world – laureates of the International History Olympiad had visited the United Nations Headquarters
Princess Angelika together with very talented young people from all over the world – laureates of the International History Olympiad had visited the United Nations

Puchar Świata w szermierce na wózkach „Szabla Kilińskiego”.
Szermierka to sport szlachetny, bardzo stary i wyjątkowy, ponieważ rozwija wszechstronnie ciało i duszę.Szermierka uczy walki w duchu fair play, jak również pokory i szacunku

Royal Ascot 2022
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the Royal Ascot. Princess Angelika’s creation by her design for the Royal Militare can be seen at the official Royal

History of Royal Militare
Royal Militare is the result of the unique mariage between modern fashion and fashion through centuries, history of art, equestrian fashion traditions, aviation & gala

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha spoke at the Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to speak at the Queen’s church, Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh.As the service was broadcasted worldwide, she appealed to the

Children for Children. International campaign and art contest for children “Children are painting Peace on Earth”
In March a special gala “Polish Businesswoman Awards” took place. At the Gala there was a special auction for children from Ukraine, organized by SOS Wioski Dziecięce. Paintings created by Ukrainian children for the contest “Children Painting Peace” in 2021 were given for an auction.

International Day of UN Peacekeepers
“Today we honor the courage, service, and sacrifice of the UN’s “blue helmets”. This day is observed to recognize the service and sacrifice of the

Forbes reception at Cannes gathered top entrepreneurs from all over the world
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the Forbes reception at Cannes during the Cannes Festival.

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha met with Her Royal Highness, Queen Angelique-Monet Gureje-Thompson
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha met with Her Royal Highness, Queen Angelique-Monet Gureje-Thompson, women leader, producer and philanthropist. They met together in the past on several humanitarian

“वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार
एचएसएच राजकुमारी एंजेलिका ईवा जारोस्लावस्का सपीहा कोविश्व मानवीय अभियान द्वारा “वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार” से सम्मानित किया गया विश्व मानवीय अभियान प्रेस कार्यालय 19 जून, 2021
‘पीस ओन अर्थ’ अर्थात ‘धरती पर शांति’ का चित्रण करते बच्चे
‘पीस ओन अर्थ’ अर्थात ‘धरती पर शांति’ का चित्रण करते बच्चेपृथ्वी पर ‘शांति का चित्रण करने वाले बच्चे’ एक परियोजना है जिसकाउद्देश्य सबसे कम उम्र

Принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапіга разом з Польським Корпусом Миру підтримує Україну – 800 тонн гуманітарної допомоги для лікарень в Україні цього року.
Вже багато місяців посол миру принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапігаразом з Польським Корпусом Миру організовує надання медичногообладнання, матеріально-технічного забезпечення та складів для України.Серед спеціалізованого медичного обладнання,

Українська богиня Ніка
Протягом кількох років вона попереджала про те, що на Україну насувається війна.Разом з українськими організаціями, “Institute of Cultural Affairs International” та“Геополітичним альянсом жінок”, вона зверталася

La déesse ukrainienne Niké
Pendant plusieurs années, elle a prévenu que la guerre menaçait l’Ukraine. Ensemble avec des organisations ukrainiennes, «L’Institut international des affaires culturelles» et «L’Alliance géopolitique des

Ukrainian nurse got married after Russian mine took her legs
Oksana, 23, a nurse from the eastern city of Lysychansk in Ukraine, lost both her legs when a landmine exploded under her, and she is

Діти малюють мир на землі
У 2021 році принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапіга ініціювала міжнародну кампанію та художнійконкурс для дітей під назвою «Діти малюють мир на землі». Тисячі дітей з України,
Mrs. Irena Sidor, a woman who spent 6 years on inhuman soil in Siberia gave first interview in her life, at the age of 93.

Children Painting Peace on Earth
Children across Ukraine are in desperate need of safety, stability, protection and psychosocial care. War and mass displacement has harmed families’ livelihoods and economic opportunities,
Wishing a beautiful Birthday to Her Majesty The Queen
Wishing a beautiful Birthday to Her Majesty The Queen. Her Majesty the Queen is a symbol of the strength of character, self-control, perseverance, and dignity.This

Ukrainian NIKE
For several years, she had been warning about the impending war in Ukraine. Together with the Ukrainian organizations, the Institute of Cultural Affairs International, and
Happy Easter!
On the occasion of Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, I extend my cordial greetings. May this special day of Easter bring happiness, love,
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha and Heidi Kuhn planted together the symbolic roots of peace at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scotland
It was a great honor to plant together with Heidi Kuhn the symbolic roots of peace at the magnificent Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, which was

Planting Roots of Peace at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
On a drizzly Edinburgh morning, Californian Heidi Kuhn was all smiles as she planted a hickory tree at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh accompanied by
Call to Action – Support Ukraine
We would like to humbly express our dedication and mobilization to support Ukrainians and Ukraine. We are glad to officially announce that Royal Bridge Family
Princess Angelika Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, initiator of the global One Mine One Life campaign and movement and Heidi Kuhn, founder and CEO of the Roots of Peace had visited Edinburgh for the UN Landmine Awareness Day and historical partnership for providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine
Peace Ambassador Princess Angelika Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha, initiator of the global One Mine One Life campaign and movement and Heidi Kuhn, founder and CEO of the

Royal Militare brand created by Princess Angelika, inspired by equestrian, history and royal gala uniforms, become a leader in the market of exclusive brands.
Royal Militare brand inspired by equestrian, history and royal gala uniforms, become a leader in the market of exclusive brands. It’s been fifteenth edition of
Global activists from Ukraine, Poland, Iran, Cambodia, United Kingdom, France, and the United States gathered to discuss demining actions in a forum held in New
During the gala Polish Businesswoman Award on 25 March 2022 Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a special award “Leader among Luxury Brands” for her boutique fashion & jewerly brand Royal Militare.
During the gala Polish Businesswoman Award on 25 March 2022 Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a special award “Leader among Luxury Brands” for her boutique fashion

Madeleine Albright, First Woman to Serve as Secretary of State
“I’m deeply saddened by the loss of a special woman, true leader, champion of democracy and human rights. Once she said: “We must be authors

FORBES 30/50 HONOREES JOIN FORCES TO ERADICATE LANDMINES WORLDWIDE. New Ukrainian Refugee Landmine Pathways Inspire Women to Unite Forces.
March 11, 2022–Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.— Princess Angelika Jarosławska of Poland and Roots of Peace founder/CEO Heidi Kuhn have announced a partnership to take action in
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha become a Patron of the Roots of Peace. The world’s most vulnerable farmers and traders become an official partner of One Mine One Life!
On March 11, 2022 in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Princess Angelika Jarosławska of Poland and Roots of Peace founder/CEO Heidi Kuhn have announced a partnership to
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the global Forbes Summit in Abu Dhabi
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to be invited as a Forbes lister to the global Forbes Summit in Abu Dhabi. During the Summit in Abu
Today, Mjr Aleksander Tarnawski “Upłaz”, the last “Cichociemny” left us for eternal guardianship
Today, Mjr Aleksander Tarnawski “Upłaz”, the last “Cichociemny” left us for eternal guardianship. He was 101 years old. Maj. Aleksander Tarnawski, ps. “Upłaz” was the
Humanitarian aid for Ukraine
Yesterday, another truck with humanitarian aid, bandages, medicines, and the most necessary medical equipment was prepared and loaded by the Polish Peace Corps. The humanitarian
„Children Painting Peace on Earth”
Today we want to remind you Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s initiative – “Children Painting Peace on Earth”. In 2021 thousands children from Ukraine painted how they
War in Ukraine – Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s Appeal
Dear friends from Ukraine, I hug you warmly to my heart.In this cold, ruthless time my heart goes to all Ukrainians, especially women and children
One Mine One Life Worldwide Movement for Mine-Free World
Over 60 million people across the globe woke up today in fear of being injured or killed by landmines. Children account for 54 percent of
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha had visited the Frederic Chopin salon in Maison Chaumet in Place Vendôme
Frederic Chopin’s birthday. According to birth records, Frédéric Chopin was born on February 22, but Chopin considered March 1 his birthday. Whatever the day, the

One Mine One Life Worldwide Movement for Mine-free World. NGO CSW66 FORUM PARALLEL EVENT
We are pleased to invite you to the event ‘One Mine One Life Worldwide Movement for Mine-free World.’ organized within the NGO at the Commission

800 Tones of Humanitarian Aid to the Hospitals in Ukraine
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha together with the Polish Peace Corps supports Ukraine. 800 tones of humanitarian aid to the hospitals in Ukraine this year. For
Grand Ball in France for the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” under the honorary patronage of Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha
Grand Ball at the Chateau d’Ermenonville for the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” under the honorary patronage of Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławska Sapieha Link:,41,40903,0.html?fbclid=IwAR2JUvefhhcHtAQcLlA5_i4dNaeTbSty7uGR3cnFM6MAb2LqhwSOo5K99Fw
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball. On Saturday evening,
Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha
Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha.Une collection exclusive de la marque Royal Militare spécialement pour le 200e annivers…

Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha
Exposition de la collection d’habillement exclusive Royal Militare inspirée parle «bicentenaire de Napoléon Bonaparte» parla Princesse Angelika Ewa Jarosławska-Sapieha. Une collection exclusive de la marque

Un Gala exceptionnel dans un Château à l’occasion du bicentenaire de Napoléon !
Envie de vivre la vie de Château ? Samedi 25 septembre dès 19h, vous voici conviés à un Gala de rêve, organisé à l’occasion du bicentenaire
Landmines are killing, injuring and orphaning children!
#LANDMINEFREEWORLDCambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them.Despite the significant work of many brave and dedicated people of goodwill, demining teams, there is sti…
Landmines are killing, injuring and orphaning children. We need support from the international community. Your support.
#LANDMINEFREEWORLDCambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them.Despite the significant

HSH Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was one of the panelists at the Royal Panel during the Trilateral Global Summit in London
HSH Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was one of the panelists at the Royal Panel during the Trilateral Global Summit in London. During the Royal Panel,
60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess. Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines. Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine removal expert.
Today is the 60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess.Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines.Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, an…
60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess. Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines. Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine removal expert.
Today is the 60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess.Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the
World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) conferred the *Global Humanitarian Award* to HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jaroslawska Sapieha, International Peace Ambassador for her contributions as an leader in serving global communities in need and putting humanity first.
World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) conferred the *Global Humanitarian Award* to HSH Princess Angelika Ewa Jaroslawska Sapieha, International Peace Ambassador for her contributions as an leader
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha has honor and privilege to be the Head of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women Board.Our representatives each year participate in the Session
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s conversation about music, history and Polish culture in France, as well as about the unknown faces of Chopin, with Mr. Adam Wibrowski, a professor at the Conservatory in Paris, for 30 years associated with numerous universities in Europe, a former advisor to the Ministry of Culture in France and Poland, artistic director of the Fryderyk Chopin Society and Chopin Festival in Nohant, Competition Paderewski in Los Angeles and Austria Piano Summer.
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s conversation about music, history and Polish culture in France, as well as about the unknown faces of Chopin, with Mr. Adam Wibrowski,
International Campaign and Art Contest „Children Painting Peace on Earth”
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha took honorary patronage and supports the international campaign and art contest for children “Children are painting Peace on Earth”, which started in
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a medal for the summary of her social and humanitarian work
In May 2021 Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received a medal for the summary of her social and humanitarian work.
In the last days Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha visited several times several dozen of very beautiful families in need. With her team she bring them packages with food, medicine, and essential products.
In the last days Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha visited several times several dozen of very beautiful families in need. With her team she bring them packages
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation with Roman Furmaniak about creating the future through the prism of history, lost artifacts, including works of art during World War II and the “War Journal” of the Waffen SS officer owned by the foundation and which describes the locations of lost treasures of world cultural heritage.
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation with Roman Furmaniak about creating the future through the prism of history, lost artifacts, including works of art during World
Children Painting Peace on Earth
Children Painting Peace on Earth „Children Painting Peace on Earth” is a project aimed at the youngest, for whom we are guides in getting to
Wishing happy birthday to Her Majesty The Queen
Wishing happy birthday to Her Majesty The Queen.Her Majesty the Queen is a symbol of the strength of character, self-control, perseverance, and dignity.On her 21st
Prywatne: Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha took honorary patronage and supports the international campaign and competition for children “Children are painting Peace on Earth”, which started in the city of Lutsk – Ukraine.
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha took honorary patronage and supports the international campaign and art contest for children “Children are painting Peace on Earth”, which started in
America Pioneer – A Princess with a Cause
We highly recommend you the article about the humanitarian work of Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha: „A Princess with a Cause”
We wish a happy 99th birthday to the Polish WWII hero – Jan “Black” Stangryciuk. He served as a rear gunner on Lancasters with 300 Bomber Squadron
We wish a happy 99th birthday to the Polish WWII hero – Jan “Black” Stangryciuk. He served as a rear gunner on Lancasters with 300
Women leaders. Strategic partnership. Joint actions. Annual Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
The annual session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65-2021) ended on March 26 in New York, at the UN headquarters. The
This week, Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha delivered several dozen protective medical suits to the hospital in Radecznica. Please, remember to express appreciation and gratitude for these everyday heroes – frontline workers – doctors, nurses, paramedics, and health care workers.
This week, Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha delivered several dozen protective medical suits to the hospital in Radecznica.In these challenging times, we need to help each other
Please, have a heart for the heart. It’s was an honor for Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha to take patronage over this important charity project. Many wonderful top artists get involved in this charity project to sang together – all this is to raise money for the treatment of Iwonka.
Please, have a heart for the heart. It’s was an honor for Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha to take patronage over this important charity project. Many wonderful
Imagine that one day you step on the landmine… If you will survive, you will be maimed and wounded.
Imagine that one day you step on the landmine…If you will survive, you will be maimed and wounded.You may lose your limb or hand.Landmines hurt
On this #MineAwarenessDay let’s recommit to our target of a mine-free world
On this #MineAwarenessDay, let’s recommit to our target of a mine-free world.In Africa, in Asia, in Europe… I’ve been to many places where people live in
We are approaching April 4, which is the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. In 2020, 60 million people have woken up in fear for their life and health due to anti-personnel mines. One mine cleared means one life saved.
We are approaching April 4, which is the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. In Africa, in Asia, in Europe… I’ve
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was recognized as an Inspiring Humanitarian
Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was recognized as an Inspiring Humanitarian Peace Ambassador Her Serene Highness Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received the Inspiring Humanitarian Award from
Please, have a heart for the heart. Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is honored to take patronage over this important charity project. Many artists get involved in this charity project to sign together – all this is to raise money for the treatment of Iwonka.
Please, have a heart for the heart. Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is honored to take patronage over this important charity project. Many artists get involved in
#MinefreeCambodia needs to become a reality!
#SDG18: ending the negative impact of mines/ERW and promoting victim assistance.Cambodia aims to become a mine-free nation by 2025.Millions of the landmines have now been
Supporting veterans and their families
Supporting veterans and their families in beautiful Moldova. The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions. These pictures came from Christmas
Landmines are killing, injuring, and orphaning children. The world is too little aware of the suffering of landmines victims. Help us to create a #minefree world!
Today, in many places in the world landmines still claim the lives of innocent people.Do you think that it’s far away from you? More than
„No more war”!!! That was the message of the exhibition in Auschwitz. The 303 Museum presented an exhibition next to Auschwitz, in honor of all prisoners of concentration camps. The main exhibition was called: „Music in occupied Poland 1939–1945” by dr Katarzyna Naliwajek-Mazurek. The honorary guest of the opening was Mrs. Helena Dunicz-Niwińska, who was a violinist in the concentration camp.
„No more war”!!! That was the message of the exhibition in Auschwitz.The 303 Museum presented an exhibition next to Auschwitz, in honor of all prisoners
Over 60 million people across the globe live in fear of being injured or killed by landmines. Anti-landmine Campaign [Movie]
The problem of anti-personnel landmines is a fundamentally humanitarian problem.These weapons of war kill in peacetime.Landmines affect everyone, with 71 percent of casualties being civilians.Children
The former Blues Helmets meeting in Committee awarded Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha by the Commemorative Medal of Peace
The former Blues Helmets meeting in Committee awarded Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha by the Commemorative Medal of Peace. Commemorative Medal of Peace has rendered eminent services
Today millions of children are on the frontlines of conflict. Despite progress in some areas, the trends over recent years are of increasing violations and increasing numbers of children affected by conflicts. Last year alone, more than a third of the children injured in wars were caused by explosive weapons.
Today millions of children are on the frontlines of conflict. Despite progress in some areas, the trends over recent years are of increasing violations and
Great interview with a Siberian from World War II. Mrs. Irenka at the age of 93 gave an interview to Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha. It was her first interview in her life.
Great interview with a Siberian from World War II. Mrs. Irenka at the age of 93 gave an interview to Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha. It was
Humanitarian visit in Africa
It’s a time for great change.This is a special time in history.Our global family has a great mission to clear the world from landmines. There
Supporting veterans and the families of the soldiers who lost their lives in conflicts and missions. True Christmas spirit depends only on us ❤️ Another, big packages with essentials and some Christmas gifts are already prepared.
Supporting veterans and the families of the soldiers who lost their lives in conflicts and missions. True Christmas spirit depends only on us Another, big packages
On Christmas, especially so special due to the time of the pandemic, let’s not forget about seniors and all those who stay in centers such as the Warsaw Care and Treatment Center, which are their home (Interview)
On Christmas, especially so special due to the time of the pandemic, let’s not forget about seniors and all those who stay in centers such
We highly recommend a socially important exclusive interview with Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in the new issue of the respected Businesswoman & Life magazine
We highly recommend a socially important exclusive interview with Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in the new issue of the respected Businesswoman & Life magazine #womenpower
In 2019, the number of children living in high-intensity conflict zones increased to 160 million from 157 million in 2018, while the total number of children living near conflict increased by 9 million. 2019 concludes a ‘deadly decade’ for children in conflict, with more than 170,000 grave violations verified since 2010
STOP THE WAR ON CHILDRENSave the Children launched a new report ‘Killed and Maimed: A Generation of Violations Against Children in Conflict’ revealing shocking new
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was Awarded by Grand Order – the Stefan the Great Cross
On November 11, in Warsaw, the Association of Veterans of the War for Independence and Integrity of the Republic of Moldova – „CREDINTA PATRIEI” awarded
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha supported the movie production „Born for the Saber” and was it’s ambassador
On 11 November Poland celebrates National Independence Day.On that special day, you can watch the movie ”Zrodzeni do Szabli”-” Born for the Saber” on TVP Historia
Thousands of messages paying tribute to all the men and women who contributed to the outcome of the Battle of Britain have been sealed in a time capsule to mark 80 anniversary of the famous battle’s end
Thousands of messages paying tribute to all the men and women who contributed to the outcome of the Battle of Britain have been sealed in
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha: Every 22 minutes, someone is killed or maimed by landmines
Every 22 minutes, someone is killed or maimed by landmines.
Every 22 minutes, someone is killed or maimed by landmines. Over 60 million people across the globe live in fear of being injured or killed by landmines.
We have a dream. Landmine Free World. No more landmines victims.One of our generation’s biggest challenges are landmines still killing children around the globe.Every 22
On 24 October, we mark United Nations Day. UN mission is at the moment more critical than ever.
On 24 October, we mark United Nations Day.UN mission is at the moment more critical than ever.This anniversary comes in a time of great disruption
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha received Special Award as an „International Ambassador for the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”.
Every 22 minutes, someone is killed or maimed by landmines.Today in 2020, 60 million people have woken up in fear for their life and health
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha donated her award to the Cambodian UN Peacekeeping Veterans Association, who are carrying out an important activity, including the extension of the Cambodian school.
Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha had a great honor to receive Special Award as an „International Ambassador for the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”.She dedicated
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha has the highest honor to be a patron of the Cambodia Landmine Museum, Cambodian Self Help Demining and Landmine Relief Fund and raise awarness about the “underground devil” – millions of landmines that are still lying active in the ground in Cambodia.
Peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha has the highest honor to be a patron of the Cambodia Landmine Museum, Cambodian Self Help Demining and Landmine Relief
#NOMOREWAR Cluster Bomb use in Karabakh. Fighting over Karabakh has caused death & destruction.
#NOMOREWAR Cluster Bomb use in Karabakh!What is happening in the crisis in the Caucasus?Amnesty International warns of cluster bomb use in Karabakh.Fighting over Karabakh has
World Food Day: Waisting food in a hungry world. More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfill the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation. 690 million people still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Acute food insecurity affected 135 million people in 55 countries in 2019. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition.
#dontwastefood#respectfoodToday it’s a World Food Day.More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling
2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain which took place between July and October 1940. By the year 1940 – 8,000 Polish airmen had crossed the Channel to continue the war effort in Great Britain. Polish pilots in Royal Air Force squadrons played a substantial part in all operations against the Luftwaffe in increasing numbers.
RAF100 – when Royal Air Force celebrated its 100th birthday.2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain which took place between July and