
Międzynarodowy Dzień Pokoju

Międzynarodowy Dzień Pokojuędzynarodowy Dzień Pokoju  ​W Światowy Dzień Pokoju ONZ ​w ramach Peace One Day Live ​A​ngelika Jarosławska Sapieha byłagospodarzem trzydziestominutowej relacji z Warszawy, z Polski​.​Była

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One Mine – One Life

One Mine – One Life ”One Mine – One Life” in Khmer. That remarkable bracelet is made from exploded bombs and unexploded ordnance cleared by

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Miss Polonia 2024

Miss Polonia 2024 – Gala, 95-lecie wyborów i działalność charytatywna Miss Wczoraj odbyła się uroczysta gala Miss Polonia. W tym roku obchodzimy 95-lecie wyborów. Polacy

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Royal Ascot

Royal Ascot Dearest gentle reader,As it is said, there is no event in the social calendar quite as revered as Royal Ascot. After all, it’s

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International Day of UN Peacekeepers

International Day of UN Peacekeepers Day of UN Peacekeepers.UN peacekeeping is a vital investment in global peace and security.The day aims to celebrate the

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Cannes Film Festival

Cannes Film Festival On Tuesday, the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival beg​an in the south of France​ with many thrilling premieres.We wish a

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Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha co organized and was a patron of the parallel event: “Ukraine: Strengthening the role of women in reconstruction and peace-making processes in countries with military conflicts” during the CSW68 Forum assisting the Commission of the Status of Women in the United Nations.

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha co organized and was a patron of the parallel event: “Ukraine: Strengthening the role of women in reconstruction and peace-making processes

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Peace One Day Live

Peace One Day Live Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha is honored to be a guest of the Peace One Day Live on the International Day of

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Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one the world’s largest

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Ukrainian Journalist Day

Ukrainian Journalist Day On June 6th we observe the Ukrainian Journalist Day.

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Art for Peace and Awareness

Art for Peace and Awareness During my visit to Cannes and at the Cannes Film Festival, I was honored to be invited to the

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Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit. Parallel Event at NGO CSW67 Forum assisting UN Commission on The Status Of Women in New York

Institute of Cultural Affairs International together with the One Mine One Life global movement and campaign against a Mine-Free World are honored to convey the invitation for the Parallel Event “Young Change Makers – Future Moral Leaders with the Global Goals Spirit” during the NGO CSW67 Forum in New York on March 7 at 2.30 PM EST in CCUN United Nations.

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#everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth #everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth „Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It was also the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week

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Royal Ascot 2022

Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha attended the Royal Ascot. Princess Angelika’s creation by her design for the Royal Militare can be seen at the official Royal

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History of Royal Militare

Royal Militare is the result of the unique mariage between modern fashion and fashion through centuries, history of art, equestrian fashion traditions, aviation & gala

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“वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार

एचएसएच राजकुमारी एंजेलिका ईवा जारोस्लावस्का सपीहा कोविश्व मानवीय अभियान द्वारा “वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार” से सम्मानित किया गया विश्व मानवीय अभियान प्रेस कार्यालय 19 जून, 2021

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‘पीस ओन अर्थ’ अर्थात ‘धरती पर शांति’ का चित्रण करते बच्चे

‘पीस ओन अर्थ’ अर्थात ‘धरती पर शांति’ का चित्रण करते बच्चेपृथ्वी पर ‘शांति का चित्रण करने वाले बच्चे’ एक परियोजना है जिसकाउद्देश्य सबसे कम उम्र

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Принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапіга разом з Польським Корпусом Миру підтримує Україну – 800 тонн гуманітарної допомоги для лікарень в Україні цього року.

Вже багато місяців посол миру принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапігаразом з Польським Корпусом Миру організовує надання медичногообладнання, матеріально-технічного забезпечення та складів для України.Серед спеціалізованого медичного обладнання,

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Українська богиня Ніка

Протягом кількох років вона попереджала про те, що на Україну насувається війна.Разом з українськими організаціями, “Institute of Cultural Affairs International” та“Геополітичним альянсом жінок”, вона зверталася

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La déesse ukrainienne Niké

Pendant plusieurs années, elle a prévenu que la guerre menaçait l’Ukraine. Ensemble avec des organisations ukrainiennes, «L’Institut international des affaires culturelles» et «L’Alliance géopolitique des

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Діти малюють мир на землі

У 2021 році принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапіга ініціювала міжнародну кампанію та художнійконкурс для дітей під назвою «Діти малюють мир на землі». Тисячі дітей з України,

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Children Painting Peace on Earth

Children across Ukraine are in desperate need of safety, stability, protection and psychosocial care. War and mass displacement has harmed families’ livelihoods and economic opportunities,

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Ukrainian NIKE

For several years, she had been warning about the impending war in Ukraine. Together with the Ukrainian organizations, the Institute of Cultural Affairs International, and

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Happy Easter!

On the occasion of Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, I extend my cordial greetings. May this special day of Easter bring happiness, love,

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Humanitarian aid for Ukraine

Yesterday, another truck with humanitarian aid, bandages, medicines, and the most necessary medical equipment was prepared and loaded by the Polish Peace Corps. The humanitarian

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Landmines are killing, injuring and orphaning children!

#LANDMINEFREEWORLDCambodia is still one of the most heavily mined countries in the world.Dozens of civilians are injured or killed every year by them.Despite the significant work of many brave and dedicated people of goodwill, demining teams, there is sti…

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60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess. Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines. Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine removal expert.

Today is the 60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess.Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines.Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, an…

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60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess. Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the issue of landmines. Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of an audience of international reporters, with the help of a land mine removal expert.

Today is the 60th birth anniversary of Princess Diana, People Princess.Princess Diana’s visit to the minefield with the Halo Trust in Angola brought global awareness to the

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Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha has honor and privilege to be the Head of the Geopolitical Alliance of Women Board.Our representatives each year participate in the Session

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Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s conversation about music, history and Polish culture in France, as well as about the unknown faces of Chopin, with Mr. Adam Wibrowski, a professor at the Conservatory in Paris, for 30 years associated with numerous universities in Europe, a former advisor to the Ministry of Culture in France and Poland, artistic director of the Fryderyk Chopin Society and Chopin Festival in Nohant, Competition Paderewski in Los Angeles and Austria Piano Summer.

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha’s conversation about music, history and Polish culture in France, as well as about the unknown faces of Chopin, with Mr. Adam Wibrowski,

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Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation with Roman Furmaniak about creating the future through the prism of history, lost artifacts, including works of art during World War II and the “War Journal” of the Waffen SS officer owned by the foundation and which describes the locations of lost treasures of world cultural heritage.

Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha in conversation with Roman Furmaniak about creating the future through the prism of history, lost artifacts, including works of art during World

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„No more war”!!! That was the message of the exhibition in Auschwitz. The 303 Museum presented an exhibition next to Auschwitz, in honor of all prisoners of concentration camps. The main exhibition was called: „Music in occupied Poland 1939–1945” by dr Katarzyna Naliwajek-Mazurek. The honorary guest of the opening was Mrs. Helena Dunicz-Niwińska, who was a violinist in the concentration camp.

„No more war”!!! That was the message of the exhibition in Auschwitz.The 303 Museum presented an exhibition next to Auschwitz, in honor of all prisoners

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In 2019, the number of children living in high-intensity conflict zones increased to 160 million from 157 million in 2018, while the total number of children living near conflict increased by 9 million. 2019 concludes a ‘deadly decade’ for children in conflict, with more than 170,000 grave violations verified since 2010

STOP THE WAR ON CHILDRENSave the Children launched a new report ‘Killed and Maimed: A Generation of Violations Against Children in Conflict’ revealing shocking new

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World Food Day: Waisting food in a hungry world. More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfill the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation. 690 million people still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Acute food insecurity affected 135 million people in 55 countries in 2019. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition.

#dontwastefood#respectfoodToday it’s a World Food Day.More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling

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2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain which took place between July and October 1940. By the year 1940 – 8,000 Polish airmen had crossed the Channel to continue the war effort in Great Britain. Polish pilots in Royal Air Force squadrons played a substantial part in all operations against the Luftwaffe in increasing numbers.

RAF100 – when Royal Air Force celebrated its 100th birthday.2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain which took place between July and

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Bringing attention to those men and women, and particularly women, who served during the Second World War is important especially on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha was honored to be a one of the hundred Polish women for 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote in Poland „Polki Mają Głos”.

#80thAnniversaryoftheBattleofBritainBringing attention to those men and women, and particularly women, who served during the Second World War is important especially on the 80th anniversary of

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